About this Blog

Much of this blog is written in Second Person Direct tense because most (though not all) of the text is done via "automatic writing," a sort of stream-of-consciousness accessed via prayer and meditation. I am not implying it is "inspired" by God, though I am not denying that it could be. I am stating what is written here is a result of my attempts to "Tap Into The Flow," and when I succeed this is the way it sounds.
Thank you for reading and your comments are more than welcome. I am grateful for everything we share. - Jim C.

Monday, May 25, 2015


“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” – John 8:7

In the original Hebrew, the word you translate as “Sin” means “to miss the mark.”   So to sin is to err… to be slightly off target… to miss achieving perfection.  Yet you altered this word’s meaning to make sin something that is an affront to God.  You see sin as implying a rejection of God, something that is impossible.  You cannot reject God because you did not create God.  You are his creation and He embraces you fully, completely, immeasurably, in each and every moment. 

In the ancient Hebrew form of the word, as used by Jesus, you, in fact, do sin… as do all men, all except He who had attained perfection and could witness the Kingdom of God.  He was here with you and He lived as you lived.  So He understood that you often miss the mark.  He lived in such a way as to guide you, pointing the way, as God guides and points the way with the Holy Spirit in every waking moment (and yes, even in your dreams).  

When Jesus said: “Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone at her,” He was explaining that until you achieve perfection, you cannot see one another as you really are – the Kingdom of God which is right in front of you.  The woman caught in adultery stood before Jesus and He saw her as she was – a Child of God – just as you are a Child of God.   The only one who was “without sin” in that crowd was Jesus Himself.  Would He cast the first stone?  Of course not.  “Has no one condemned you?” He asked the woman.  “Neither do I condemn you.”   

Jesus saw the innocence in her that is the birthright of all God’s children.   Not sin – but Innocence.  We are made in the image and likeness of God.   Jesus recognized the woman’s error, that up until then she had “missed the mark.”   He spoke gently to her, with compassion and Love, just as God speaks to you now through the Holy Spirit.  Saying: “Neither do I condemn you. Go your way.  And from now on, do not sin again.”    

You do not sin, as you perceive sin.

You have never sinned. 

You cannot reject God.  You have only missed the mark.  Let the Holy Spirit guide your steps; He will correct and steady your aim.  See what Jesus saw and has taught you, that you and all of God’s Children are one body, one Spirit in the Kingdom of God.  All are innocent.  There is no sin.  There is only the error.  The belief that you can be separate from God. 

Go forth and err no more.  

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