About this Blog

Much of this blog is written in Second Person Direct tense because most (though not all) of the text is done via "automatic writing," a sort of stream-of-consciousness accessed via prayer and meditation. I am not implying it is "inspired" by God, though I am not denying that it could be. I am stating what is written here is a result of my attempts to "Tap Into The Flow," and when I succeed this is the way it sounds.
Thank you for reading and your comments are more than welcome. I am grateful for everything we share. - Jim C.

Friday, August 14, 2015


In the state you spend the majority of your time, the Truth about existence brings little solace or comfort.  To your troubled mind the truth appears to negate everything you spend the majority of your time doing.   What is this Truth?  The struggle to survive, to protect yourself and those you love… is meaningless.


Yes.  This is truth.  But the fact the struggles and hardships of your daily life are meaningless does not negate the importance of your life or reduce its value.  It does reveal that the experiences and incidents you perceive as problems are nothing of the sort.  There are no problems; there are only your wants and desires, which you manufacture, which place you in a position to suffer.  Your desires have no meaning but they do produce fear, which convinces you that you are separated from God. There is no separation.  Know God – no desire – no fear.  The truth shall set you free.

God loves you dearly.  He and you exist together in a state that is infinite and eternal, a state so different from your current perception that the two are truly incomparable.   

One thing that is important but difficult for you to fully comprehend is that your current state, the one you see and feel, is not existence at all; it is a form of projection, impermanent as a sand castle in a hurricane.  God, in His infinite Love, chooses to engage Himself with you in this state and provides every tool and insight you need to transcend this self-imposed suffering.  While this suffering means nothing to God (since it literally has no meaning), He sees that you are immersed in it and feels compassion, knowing you are fully capable of avoiding it by embracing your eternal self; if you would only choose to accept His loving guidance.

You are like an infant delighted by soap bubbles floating in the air, who finds joy in a large bubble balanced on the tip of his finger.  When that bubble bursts the child erupts in tears; devastated.   An adult looking on knows that the child is fine.  A bubble of soap does no damage.  It is, in fact, meaningless.  But the child’s desire for the bubble to reappear causes them pain.  If the adult loves the child they feel compassion.  They want the child to feel better, to avoid suffering.  But ultimately the adult knows the bubble itself has no meaning – and they know the child will find many other things to desire and to demand and eventually to anguish over.  So the adult teaches the child what they can.

It is the same way with God and you.  He sees you suffering and knows there is nothing wrong.  You are one of His eternal children and you are safe in his loving protection for all eternity.  But like the infant with the soap bubble, you want what you want, even though it is a meaningless trifle – you want it to be exactly the way you want it and you rage and howl and suffer as it slips through your fingers. 

You are dissatisfied with the Truth.  Instead you wholeheartedly embrace an illusion and put your faith and trust in a figment of your imagination: a sand castle made of fear and desire that you trust in because you can see it with your eyes and taste it with your tongue; at least this is what you believe.

So you suffer.  God does not hate you for it any more than a loving parent hates a child.  He loves you.  God doesn’t need a reason, He knows the truth; that you are part of Him: eternal and perfect; beautiful and free.  You are just as He is.  You and God are one.  

God sees you. He sees your life.  He sees your suffering.  He knows it is a bubble, a thin film of soap, balanced on air, fragile, tenuous, without any substance.  What you cling to is a meaningless trifle, but you are not.  You are precious to God as anything in the Universe.  He tells you this every day.  And you still cry.